Wheee! The day has finally arrived for our trip to Cornwall! 🥳 It’s been far too long since we were there.
I went for my usual morning walk (here at home) first. The day dawned a misty, foggy, drab day.

Thankfully it cleared up during our drive down, and we had beautiful sunshine the whole way!

Did you know Yamaha, that maker of pianos and bari saxophones, had anything to do with racing? We didn’t!
About 5pm, we stopped at a motorway services to stretch and walk around. It was a pretty one, and I revelled in the signs of spring – all the blossom!
(Motorway services are kinda like rest areas. There’s parking – free for 2 hours – and toilets. There are also a number of fast food places, like McDonald’s, KFC, Costa Coffee, Starbucks, etc. There’s often a newsagent, like WH Smith. There’s usually a filling station, and these days electric chargers, too. They are incredibly variable – some are really lovely, some are quite dire, and many are in between. They’re usually quite busy.)
Ever since I moved here, I’ve seen footbridges crossing the highways (motorways and large A-roads).
I’ve never found myself near or on one, though.
Chris tells me that sometimes, they only build one service stop, with parking on both sides of the freeway. The people on the side with only a parking area walk across the footbridge to the side with the toilets, etc. We’ve never happened to stop at one like that, though.

I was so surprised to find a footbridge over the freeway at this services stop, though!
There we are! Above the motorway! On foot! Egads!
Happily, the sunshine continued all the way as we left the motorway … and then the A-roads … and then the named roads … and found our way to the farm we were staying on.
This very old building was changed into holiday lets a long time ago – we enjoyed reading the full visitor log, going back a couple of decades.
The floor was quite uneven, which did my head in more than I expected. But otherwise it was a nice place – and incredibly quiet and peaceful.

Our view out of the other side of the house (above).
And if you went out that side and turned right (below), a short walk would get you to the sea.

We unpacked, had dinner, and called it a night. What a wonderful start!